Our Vision

At DS4S, We Know Health Is Wealth. We Provide Tools On The Road To Success…

Every Journey Begins With The First Step. Join Our Academy Now.

What does success mean to you?

Founded by Jude Joseph and powered by Joseph Media, Disruptive Solutions 4 Success (DS4S) help you achieve your highest potential based on the following principals of “success” (however you define it).

Success is…

“…not having to ever worry about money again, being able to afford or buy anything I want when I want it…”

“…having the house and car of  my dreams and whatever other luxury items I desire…”

“…being happy and healthy and in control of my time and able to spend quality time with my family, friends and loved ones…”

To some people success is not having to ever worry about money again, being able to afford or buy anything they want when they want it. Having the house and car of  their dreams and whatever other luxury items they desire.  For others they define success as being happy and healthy and in control of their time and able to spend quality time with their family, friends and loved ones.  The best definition of success in our experience is “The progressive realisation of a worthy ideal.”  This basically means that if you put your mind to achieving something and you are focused and committed to that goal and you work towards it everyday consistently, then you are already a success! To that end, we teach you how to be successful in whatever capacity or endeavour.  Regardless of your definition of success, these ancient principals hold true.   There are many elements that make up the formula for success however, appreciating the value of a rich culture, building wealth and not being preoccupied with just being rich, knowing the importance of good health, building long-lasting quality relationships and knowing who you truly are and how you fit into the cosmos and the bigger picture are all crucial elements of the formula we use to implement solutions for your success.  Join our academy and learn how these principals are imperative for your success.

Principals, Themes and Modules


The importance of culture is underestimated in so-called modern western societies.

  • Language
  • Music
  • Dance
  • Dress
  • Religion
  • and more…


Build real lasting generational wealth with planning and predetermined outcomes.

  • Economics
  • Forex
  • Trading
  • Crypto
  • Gold
  • and more…


A sound mind, in a healthy body in a peaceful environment is the recipe for success.

  • Wellbeing
  • Diet
  • Exercise
  • Meditation
  • Mindfulness
  • and more…


Improve business and personal relationships thereby your network and net worth.

  • Genetic Kiss
  • Commitment
  • Loyalty
  • Offspring
  • Legacy
  • and more…


Connect or re-connect with your real essence and know your true purpose and why you are here.

  • DNA
  • Personalities
  • Genetics
  • Melanin
  • Spirituality
  • and more…

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